ABC is Trying to Go Brown, Sorta

H/T to Angry Asian Man

So, apparently, ABC is trying to get more Flips on its network to try and make some positive strides after their huge-ass blow up on Desperate Housewives where they managed to insult the Filipino people, specifically the medical professional field, both here in the States and in the Homeland. They apologized.

I still say, ABC can suck my big toe.

But, they’re trying.

Which is more than I can say for a lot of other folks who think an apology makes perfect amends.

As long as they don’t follow the casting habits of The OC, a now-terminated prime soap. One episode I caught, a Pinay domestic worker was mistaken for a Latina and corrected one fo the main characters by saying, “I’m from the Philippines.”

Seinfeld. The OC. Desperate Housewives.
Suck all my toes.

Desperate Times, Desperate Apologies from Desperate Housewives

When I googled “ABC Apolgoy,” the apology about the anti-Filipino comment made on Desperate Housewives that insulted the medical schools in the Philippines and the Filipinos specifically in health care was fourth or fifth on the list.

When something derogatory is said and then claim you didn’t mean for it to be offensive, it makes you wonder what in the world you expected millions of people to think after an insulting comment?


Diploma THIS

You can always count on Reappropriate to bring up issues that are so significant and often overseen.

On the last episode of Desperate Housewives, a show I do not watch, Teri Hatcher’s character made a comment that denigraded the Philippines and the integrity of medical professionals schooled and educated in the Philippines.

Never mind that the Filipino population is the second largest immigrant population in the USA. Never mind the extrememly high percentage of Filipinos in the healthcare profession.
Never mind the insinuation that Filipino educated medical professionals are second-hand and not on the same caliber as US-trained medical personnel.

I’m boiling.

I normally don’t do online petitions, but this one demands an apology from ABC about the writing of this particular episode to the Filipinos and to Filipino-Americans.


Philippines, Birth Control, and Religion

This is a great article about the bursting birth rate in the Philippines and the growing problems with birth control, availability of modern contraception, and a growing population with a president who thinks that natural family planning is going to curb the problems of a developing nation.

In my own struggles of a devout feminist, devout Catholic identity, I cannot fathom how a country is supposed to move out of its poverty when they are growing in population and their economic resources are depleting. The links are definitely worth checking out as well.

This world.

I tell ya.

Sometimes I think we’re all going to hell in a handbasket.


Here is powerful piece about what is dying in the Homeland, the Philippines.

I am crosssing my fingers for my first trip “back home” sometime in March. It’s softer than tentative plans. But my parents are returning home together for the first time since they came to this country over thirty years ago.

There are moments in life where nothing is more important than being a witness.

I must be there.


I am in California for a 30 year reunion with my family.

I can’t blog right now.

I’m too busy laughing and concentrating on my roots.



Laban means fight in Tagalog, the native language of the Philippines. Though it’s a little hard to hear and a bit fuzzy at times, this powerful video captures the spirit of so many women in the Philippines, my untouched homeland.


The first day of spring is a big deal.

For those who suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder), this day cannot come soon enough. For those like Adonis, who endlessly talks about the beneficial impact of natural sunlight year round, days like today and the equinox should be observed holidays.

So, in observation of more light and goodness, I thought I’d add a bit of humor to my blog today. This is my favorite Vlog, Happpy Slip. (see side links to more of her stuff)

If you’ve never met my parents and would like a glimpse of what Filipino immigrant parents are like, here’s a little bit of a treat for you.

This is not really an exaggeration of what my actual parents are like.