Nobody Said Choice was Easy: Pregnancy and Vaccination

It’s true when they say that the never unheated issue of abortion is the most visible skyscraper in the cityline of reproductive rights. Many other issues, although not as controversial or heavy hitting, are often left in the cool shadows, lingering on the minds of distressed women. I’m inching toward my 7th month of pregnancy […]

A Brief Word

Thanks to those who are asking about my impending move. Not to worry, though, this blog will automatically redirect you to my new site. Change is afoot!

Open Thread And Soliciting Advice

I hate when I ask for reader’s opinion. Mostly because it reads like I cannot make up my mind. I mean, never mind that that IS the truth, but I usually hide it real well. In the closet: I am indecisive. So a new website is underway (do you HEAR the archangles singing in the […]

Last Trimester and Life Insurance

It’s Friday and I can’t emphasize enough how grateful I am to the calendar for making another Friday appear so quickly. Lately, I have been fighting droopy eyes and the deep urge to crawl into anything that resembles a chair and let my head rest and fall asleep. Nick can attest that the passenger seat […]

Today’s Ecdysis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id lorem odio, aliquam venenatis tortor. Morbi suscipit pulvinar luctus. Nulla facilisi. Nullam neque dui, molestie id vestibulum sit amet, malesuada at eros. Morbi ac nisl sed massa sodales scelerisque. Donec laoreet malesuada lectus posuere vestibulum. Curabitur vitae volutpat massa. Suspendisse at turpis ante, et commodo […]

How Intimate and Functional is Your Feminism?

I’m presenting at a conference in a little over a week. I was given 20 minutes to talk about feminism, new media, and identity. Twenty minutes. I remember when I was in college and thinking that writing long papers was one of the biggest challenges. “What am I supposed to write about?” I always looked […]

October Showers

The beginning of October marks the beginning of the third trimester and baby showers. This weekend was one big fiesta in Cleveland that took care of all the requests from my family, our friends and co-workers in Cleveland, and old friends who live or have easy access to NE Ohio. Welcoming Isaiah was no small […]