The Shot Heard Around Shaker Heights

Yesterday was a normal day for most people. A typical fall day with Halloween costume chatting, and leaf raking commencing…a very normal day indeed. And yet, a raging two month mental battle also ended yesterday with my wondering over whether or not to get the h1n1 shot. I’m fairly knowledgeable about the issue. Research is […]

Dr. Tiller’s Second Murder on Law and Order

Charlotte Taft wrote a piece, “Dr. Tiller Murdered Again on NBC’s Law and Order,” critiquing last Friday’s episode in which shades of Dr. Tiller’s murder became fodder for the “fictitious” storyline in which an abortion provider is assassinated in his own church. Taft writes passionately, clearly from a place that most people cannot empathize. Most […]

Cleveland Tea Party

Have you heard that tea is our newest rage in the house? It’s true. Warm drinks have always been high on my radar, especially this time of year. I drink coffee as a dessert, a special treat from time to time. I would probably drink it more if I did not have such drastic and […]

Poetry on Feminist Catholicism

I wrote a poem about Adam and Eve. Well, more about Eve than Adam. I don’t believe in the literal interpretation of Genesis. I don’t believe in the apple, the garden, the tree, the temptation, the Fall, or the banishment. I do believe that oral story telling is a rich part of tradition and somewhere […]

The New Schedule

Nick, Isaiah, and I have been bumped up on to the 2 weeks rotation for seeing our doctor. This morning, Nick and I went to the doc, eager to see how Isaiah was doing and what her diagnosis would be for the bug in my system. It seems like the regular common, nasty, horrible cold […]


Kinda like how that little kid in The Sixth Sense said, “I see dead people,” in that freaky whisper, confiding to Bruce Willis his longtime secret and hidden power, that’s pretty much how I want to tell you I see germs and bacteria. Everywhere. I’m becoming neurotic about washing my hands and walking 10 feet […]

Letter #3

Dear Isaiah, Sometimes I just wish you could just stay inside me forever. Even if I’m moving at the pace of a 1983 VCR on SLOW MOTION, I derive a sense of security knowing that I can protect you at all times. You have no choice but to eat vegetables and fresh fruit. You WILL […]

Letter #11

Dear Isaiah, Yesterday I took a walk outside on an unexpected 60 degree day. My shoes came off and I dug my feet into the lush, autumn green. A tiny ladybug had landed on my knee and I played with it for about 10 minutes, flipping the tips of grass onto its pathway so it […]

The View Going Downhill

The combination of being pregnant and growing older makes me more attached to being at home. More and more, I take restorative comfort in the familiar couch, the wooden frames of our dining room threshold, the little nooks and crannies that make home HOME. No matter how exciting the roadtrip, no matter how great the […]