Happy New Year! Check us out – We’re ready for the Rose Bowl!
Author: Lisa
First Nine Days
Take a look at Isaiah’s first nine days of life!
The Gift
The Gift
In Loving Memory
For Bob Borchers and his strong family,You’re all held in our love, thoughts, and prayers. Do not grieve for me, for now I am free I’m following the path God laid for me. I saw His face, I heard His call, I took his hand and left it all. I could not stay another day […]
Let It Begin
There are no doubts in my mind that within a month or so, I will wonder what my old life was like. “Old life,” meaning, a life without a child. I hear parents say this all the time. My brother, with four children of his own, laughs in my face when I say two words: […]
The Pregnant Process of Writing
I’m in the last few weeks of my pregnancy and I wish I could write like I used to. I’ve heard some women measure the differences pregnancy has made in their lives by their physical bodies, the hours of sleep they used to get, how their emotions change. One of the biggest changes for me […]
The Last Weeks of Pregnancy
I wish there was some sensible and orderly manner to communicate the 9 billion things going through my brain as of late. It’s not a frenzy of thought, it’s just there are SO many things Nick and I are doing and trying to accomplish that it feels almost limiting to try and communicate even a […]
The Maguindinao Massacre
Deeply reflecting on this and too entrenched in my thoughts to write.
Thanksgiving 2009
Thanksgiving 2009 in a brief summary of bulleted words: localdeliciouspreggersgluttonousbeautiful Enjoy a few pictures of our holiday…