Growth off the Charts

Bleh. I hate when Nick is gone. He left this morning at 3:45am to catch his 6am flight to El Salvador. Meanwhile, my mom has arrived to help take care of Isaiah and my sister is moving in to the third floor upstairs. All the Factora women in one household – it’s like a huge […]


I’ve been recovering from some nasty virus this week. Doctor said it’s just one of those things you catch during spring that makes you feel like you’re underwater and can’t hear anything cause your ears are plugged, like your legs weigh 8726 lbs because they’re achy and heavy, like it’s middle of summer because of […]

Birthing a New Feminism

On December 20, 2009, I gave birth to two things: a 9lb. 7oz son and a new feminism. It was the third time my reproductive organs had encountered surgical metal; twice to remove ovarian tumors and cysts and once to remove a breathing boy. By nightfall, I was vomiting from the drugs administered to my […]