Women of Color Feminism

This is a project I am preparing for a conference in March of 2008. Here is draft one. The purpose of this project is to feature, support, and highlight the work done by feminists of color.
Here’s a sneak preview!

12 thoughts on “Women of Color Feminism

  1. Carmen D.

    I love this. Your video makes me feel so hopeful and excited. Thank you.

  2. msliberty

    Came from Vox’s to meet the amazing women who created this video!

    Three cheers for you!

  3. Noemi

    awesomely awesome, like my kids have been saying.

  4. Lisa Harney

    This is wonderful.

  5. April

    Fabulous. Why am I not in it? LOL.

  6. Thin Black Duke

    It gets no better! This is amazing!

  7. turtlebella

    Gorgeous, really gorgeous. Thank you sooooo much.

  8. Sassywho

    that made my day.

  9. Joan Kelly

    Gah, how did I miss this here? I just watched it at Vox’s site and was like, wee, awesome, news to me! *dork*

    Sudy thank you for this video.

  10. citywood

    Looks great.

  11. misscripchick

    sudy this is beautiful!!

  12. Kai


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